The NBA Game Time uses an intelligent reflective sensor to register the score of the game. This sensor operates by transmitting a beam of light from the transmitter LED and looking for the beam to be bounced back at the receiving LED which are both encapsulated into the single sensor assembly. The light transmitting from the sensor is red and can bee seem with the naked eye when a white piece of paper is held in front of the sensor.
Net sensor troubleshooting
Shots not registering
Step 1 — check for power to the net sensor, this can be done visually or with a mutli meter. The visual indicators are the red LED facing the customer, and the lower green LED on the left side of the sensor. To us a multi meter check for 12vdc between the Brown wire (12vdc) to White/blue trace wire (ground) .
- If no voltage is present then repeat reading at the J1 connector of the score display board - if there is no voltage there and the display is lit then replace the display board. If there is power present at J1 connector then check / repair the harness
Step 2—check the signal line for the net sensor. There is a visual indicator LED on the left of the net sensor that will light orange when the sensor is blocked. You can measure the signal line for the net sensor between the black wire (signal) and the white/blue wire (ground), the voltage will be 3.3vdc going to 0vdc when the sensor is blocked.
-if the voltage is not changing check net sensor harnessing back to J1 on the display board and adjust the sensitivity of the net sensor, then replace the net sensor.
- if the voltage is changing and the display is lit, check / repair harnessing and replace the display board.
Net sensor adjustment
The net sensor has a sensitivity adjustment located on the side below the indicator LEDS to adjust for environmental conditions in your location. Turning the screw clockwise will increase the sensitivity and counter clockwise will decrease the sensitivity.