The ball gate on NBA Hoops is driven by the main board located in the front podium and connected to the J13 socket.
The open and closed switches on the ball gate motor are connected in the normally closed position. The game software is constantly monitoring the state of the switch lines and if the gate moves from the switch at the incorrect time the game will energize the motor to move the gate.
The ball gate switches ground wire is connected to the NS2033X board located in the front control panel at J5 pin 3.
**Because the switches are wired in the normally closed position if the connections from the switch signal line or the switch ground to the boards are broken the main board will think the switch is always activated and never drive the gate to that position. **
To check the switch signal go the J13 connection on the main board, using a digital multi meter set to DC voltage place the black probe on the black wire of the J9 connector, take the red probe and touch the desired switch signal line (open or closed). When the switch is being contacted by the gate the meter should read 5vdc and when the switch is not being contacted will read 0vdc.
The ball gate drive signal can be read between pins 5 and 6 of the J13 connector on the main board. The main board uses and H bridge to drive the ball gate so the voltage will reverse polarity to reverse the direction of the motor and will stop sending the signal when the desired switch signal is made.
please refer to our latest system schematic for help tracing wiring in the game.