Please Click here for the latest version of the Doodle Jump software
The software is designed to be installed via DVD, if you do not have the ability to burn a DVD you can purchase disk with the software on it by ordering part number DJ2090X.
After completion of the download insert a blank DVD into your computer that you downloaded the image on, move the the downloaded image to the DVD drive directory and select "burn" from the top menu, once the burn process is done remove it from the computer.
Power the Doodle Jump game on then insert the DVD into the computer. Once the disc has been inserted into the computer turn the game off wait approximately 30 seconds then turn the games' power back on, upon reboot the computer will boot from the DVD and begin the installation. When the installation completes the game will eject the DVD and display a message on the screen stating if the installation was successful or failed and telling you to remove the disk from the game and reboot.