Zombie snatcher uses RFID tags in the pucks to read the ticket value and serial number of the puck when it is won. If the game encounters a puck that is not listed in the payout table it will not advance the puck reader motor and flash the tombstone yellow.
Step 1: Next to the hole where the puck drops you will see a decal similar to the one shown below make sure the pucks in your game match your decal
Step 2: At the main menu press the left mouse button on “Operator Menu”.
Step 3: Then click with the left mouse button on “Payout Tables”.
Step 4: Then click with the right mouse button on “PAYOUT TABLE” until it shows a table that matches your the pucks you have in your game (except the Tube 1 Z-O-M-B-I-E)
Step 5: Click on the “Commit Table” twice with the left mouse button.
Step 6: Click on “EXIT” with the left mouse button.
Step 7: From the main menu select "Puck Menu"
Step 8: Left click the value under puck 1 bonus until it matches the value on your ZOMBIE bonus puck
step 9: left click "Exit" to save the changes